Tuesday, September 28, 2010

why i miss cambridge #256

A normal day on the River Cam as I'd cross on my bicycle ride home (ok, there isn't live music every day).

I would always stop to soak it in, even in the rain.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

back in the US... back in the USA

(read title to the tune of The Beatles "Back in the USSR.")

In case anyone out there was wondering whether we are still alive or if we have been marooned LOSTesque on some desert island, I thought I should finally get my act together and write a post!



Here's a quick summary of our last 2 months:

We made it safely back to America after only one short and incredibly sketchy stop in Gander, Canada. They parked the plane and we all got out (down the steps celebrity-style) and walked into the Gander airport. We were literally the ONLY people there, and they were turning on the lights as we got inside. We didn't have to bring our passports or even our tickets with us to get back on the plane. The terminal was the equivalent of a shoddy gas station and consisted of a closed food counter and a tacky gift shop. The gift shop sold a variety of duty-free alcohol and kitschy patriotic Canadian paraphernalia. We had only about half an hour before we had to be back on the plane, which wasn't enough time for me to make it through the line (I wanted an ice cream bar) and the whole plane ended up waiting for me and some buy buying a giant bottle of vodka.

We touched down on U.S. soil and lots of my family members were waiting to greet us as we came through customs! Nearly half an hour after getting back we had a welcome home party by my Aunt Kathy! It was really fun to see tons of my family right away and have such an energetic welcome.

It is so good to be back at HOME.

We spent the first portion of our time in Minnesota with my family, then we spent the second portion in Iowa with Brandon's family and had an amazing time! (More on those later)

We loaded down ours cars and caravanned across the country back to Charlotte, stopping along the way to visit good friends.

We threw ourselves back into "real life." Brandon started class the day after we got to Charlotte, and I started back at my old job 3 days after.

And Brandon grew a "beard."


We have been debating what to do with our blog now that A and B are no longer at Cambridge. I think we've decided to write some final posts about the end of our time in England and the beginning of our time in America, then sadly put this blog to rest perhaps some day to be revived *insert wishful thinking of more time at Cambridge during Brandon's phd.*

So keep checking back as we wrap this up, and look out for a possible NEW blog with much less interesting content. :) Bye friends!