Thursday, June 10, 2010

it's been awhile...

Our apologies for so neglecting our blog over the last month! We have been busy in a good way.

Here's an overview of our shenanigans:

(photos below their descriptions)

- A visit to Stratford-upon-Avon ... Shakespeare's hometown. We visited the room where he was born, explored the town, visited the church where he is buried (closed when we got there) and saw Romeo and Juliet performed by the Royal Shakespeare Company.

at shakespeare's birthplace

- A marvelously magical visit by Dan and Meg (who arrived late because of the volcano)! We did a shot-gun Paris tour, scurried through London, explored Cambridge, compared it with Oxford, and spent lots of quality time together on our many adventures.


- An abundantly blissful visit from Heather and Adam! We spent our time betting at the horse races, relaxing, picnicking, strolling, cycling, river-floating, sun-soaking, eating, tea/ale-sipping, shopping and laughing.

- Met the mayor of Cambridge at a garden party at Corpus Christi.


- Threw a surprise baby shower for Philly at The Orchard (with Jill and Dee).

- Went with my knitting group to give the Vice Chancellor of Cambridge a scarf hand-knit by our knitting fiends. I knit her a flower broach which we also used to decorate the box.

- Went to a lecture by Alasdair MacIntyre, one of the greatest living philosophers.

- Intense Summa study by Brandon (all throughout).

We leave Sunday to spend a week secluded on the south coast of Wales. We will be staying at "The Hookses" the old home of John Stott, which is now available as a retreat centre. We are going with Brandon's Summa Seminar group. The men will spend time studying as well as giving talks on things they've been learning and researching on their own. The ladies will explore the coast, enjoy the beach, get in some good reading (hopefully painting and sketching as well) and prepare meals. We will have no internet. *sigh*

I hope to do some of these events more justice when we return, but these are a teaser until then. Cheerio.

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