Tuesday, April 13, 2010

we're HOME (away from home)!

We made it safely back to England from Paris and Italy, and my does England feel like home now that we're back! It is so quaint, tidy and proper here, and it's soooo nice/useful to be able to communicate. We had an amazing trip and it seriously felt like we were gone over a month. Planning a relaxing and leisurely vacation has a lot of benefits one being it makes you feel like you were away longer.

Here are some teaser photos until I can sift through the 2, 941 photos that I took (wow, that number sounds weirdly small, I better go back and get some more).


  1. Oh, can't wait to see more. We felt like Cambridge was "home" for the first time too after just being away in London for 4 days...it was way to "big city" for me. FYI: your British time didn't update at daylight savings time. :^)

  2. it's a cool feeling right philly? i love cambridge so much more than london! oh, excellent point about the clock hmmm i don't know how to fix it.

  3. did you totally feel like Pisa was a tourist trap?? :) That's how I felt when I went. It was surprising how much of that city really revolves around the tourists who come in. anyway...skype soon? miss you guys! love.

  4. hey hayles, yeah no one was even pretending to be in pisa for anything but the leaning tower! that area was completely overrun with crappy tourist stands and gazillions of people, but we walked through the town from the tower to the train station afterwards and it was cute and very peaceful! loves.
