Thursday, February 4, 2010

dear sun, we miss you.

Not too long before we left Charlotte I cleaned windows for a family who had recently moved to the US from England. The son, who was probably about 10, followed me around and helped me a lot of the day and talked to me. When I told him we were moving here he said we would hate the weather because of the lack of sunshine. Well, we don't hate the weather, but last week I realized how much I miss the sun. I left for class about half-three and was struck by how warm and beautiful sunlight is when I reached our footpath. The sun was low which gave the light a very substantial and almost glowing effect. The last few days have been fairly grey, so yesterday I checked the forecast to see when the sun will return. This is the dismal image I found,

From Untitled Album

1 comment:

  1. Yes....but in the 40's!!! That makes it a little more tolerable!!
