Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Summa Project Commemorative Pipe

Almost since we arrived I have been thinking of different ways of remembering our time here. It is a strange thing to do, planning to remember. I have considered getting a decanter, pocket watch or cufflinks with Cambridge's crest on them. Although these are all still options, a couple of weeks ago I was given something that very fittingly represents our time here - a pipe. This is not just any pipe, it is a handmade Swanson. Don't recognize the pipe-maker? He is new to the craft, but his work thus far is promising. Others might know him as my friend from college. Peter made four pipes, one for the three students from SES who are here and one for the professor. Here are some pictures of the pipes and the first smoke.

The bowl of the pipes is maple, the stem is oak and the tip is deer antler. Here is a picture from this weekend, the pipe's first trip outside of Cambridge.



  1. I love your updates. We miss you here in Charlotte!
    The pipes are very cool. You are going to have such great memories. I don't blame you for wanting some tangible momentos!
    Careful on those bikes and I'm not even going to mention what could happen if you do too much of that pipe smokin'. Just sayin'.
    Love to you both!

  2. Nice work Peter on the Pipes!
    I agree with Corrine concerning the smoke.....
    Miss you ! Loves and Hugs :)

  3. Brandon:
    You will have to teach me how to smoke a pipe when you return!
